by Ms. E.B. Mcswine
(Los Angeles, California)
Widely-published writer-columnist-poet Donald Lyles will lead a Writers Discussion-Workshop on Saturday, January 19, 2019 from 4-5 p.m. in the conference room of Spring Valley Library, 4280 S. Jones Blvd.
The $10 program will cover kills fees, selection human interest topics to write about,self-publishing, handling rejection slips.
For additional information please visit: Www.DonladLyles.Biz.Ly. Or call (323) 960-4384. Lyles programs usually fill up fast. Pay in advance is requested but you may pay at the door if there is room. Please email ( first to see if space is available or call: (323) 960-4384. I would be happy and thrilled to meet as many Las Vegas authors/would-be authors as possible.